Sunday, March 14, 2010

Portfolio and Flickr Updates

I redesigned and updated My Portfolio:

I also added more photos to my Flickr Account:

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hope Studio 310

After a brief absence from updates, I have returned with a website I recently redesigned:

Hope Studio 310 LLC is a company that began with one product -- The Character Connection Game™ -- and grew as founder and Life Coach Susannah Spanton created specialized products (based on the game) and began offering workshops in addition to her Life Coaching services.

I will keep you posted as I continue to update the site. In the mean time, you can stay-up-to date with Susannah's Twitter account:

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

New Blog for New Name

I have added this blog to my account to coincide with my new last name. I will continue to post in all three blogs for the time being. In the mean time, I have posted an entry in